"Limitless" is a National Geographic and Disney+ original series created by Darren Aronofsky, in which the Hollywood movie star Chris Hemsworth, explores the idea of combating ageing and discovering the full potential of the human body. Utilizing new scientific research guided by scientists, ...
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CHRIS HEMSWORTH as THOR is pretty LIMITLESS, but would you dare to explore YOUR SUPERHERO POTENTIAL and defeat aging? Our lucky Keep Fit Kingdom intern, NATALIA BEDNARZ meets the MCU legend at the NYC premiere of the 6-episode NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC documentary OUT NOW via Disney Plus! (Rating: ...
READ MORE +There are, of course, many huge advantages to using the internet for researching information about health and fitness. The keywords ‘fitness and health’ are searched 33,100 times per month globally, and there are an estimated 88 billion Google searches about weight loss in America. Most of these ...