Search results for: veg
The Pros and Cons of the Sirtfood Diet

The Sirtfood diet has become the ‘new’ fad of 2016 and has gained recognition from celebrities like TV chef Lorraine Pascale. It is famously known for allowing you to have dark chocolate and red wine and still lose weight, sounds a bit crazy right? If you’re like me and own a healthy scepticism ...

Why Omega-3’s Are Good For You!

You've probably heard about these at some point over the last few years and the basic idea is that the human body requires essential fatty acids for maintaining good health. It can make most types of fats with the exception of Omega-3 fatty acids. Since the body doesn't make them you must get them ...

Top 10 Foods for Good Gut Health!

Our gut isn’t given enough credit for the vital role it plays in our overall health and wellbeing. It’s not just food that affects it but also stress and anxiety as well. This is why it’s important we look after it not to mention the 1,000 types of bacteria that it houses, in order to help our body ...

What is a Superfood?

We’ve all heard the word superfood thrown around a little too much in the media to describe foods that are particularly healthy for us but what is a Superfood? Could not what supposedly makes them healthier than other foods just be a lot of hype? There is no actual legal or medical definition ...

Top 10 Best Smoothies!

Smoothies are amazing if you're in a rush or want to take a healthy snack with you on-the-go.  You can make them before you go to bed and have them for breakfast or make them within a couple of minutes before you rush out the door to your gym session. There are so many recipes out there so ...

Top 5 Healthy Restaurants for Kids

The Soil Association have recently released their annual Out to Lunch league table of the best (and worst) healthy restaurants for kids. They sent their army of secret ‘diner’ parents out to test some of the most well-known restaurants on their food options for little ones. Here we take a look ...

How to Eat Healthily when Dining Out!

OK, so you’ve been exercising, drinking smoothies and trying to cut down on chocolate. You’ve been doing all the right things, gotten yourself into a routine and you feel great. After all, sticking to a routine is one of the most important aspects of a healthy lifestyle.  One night your friends ...

Top 10 Post-Workout Meals

Now we come to our Top 10 Post-Workout Meals. From our previous post you’ll know that having a snack rather than a meal before your workout is ideal. So you probably gather that after your workout you really need to re-fuel your body’s depleted energy stores and have a full on meal!  Aim to have ...

Top 10 Pre-Workout Snacks

There is a reason we've called this: Top 10 Pre-Workout Snacks instead of ‘meals’ because before you work out you only need something small to give you enough energy. If it's something big, it'll prevent you from burning fat. If you eat a high carbohydrate snack before you hit the gym it'll give ...

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