Top 5 Benefits of Practising Ho’oponopono

Ho’oponopono is a meditative-style practise where the purpose is for you to let go of what doesn’t serve you anymore. Ho’oponopono originated in Ancient Hawaii, and is about forgiving your past and taking responsibility for yourself and others.

The mantra when practising ho’oponopono is simply: 1) I’m sorry, 2) Please forgive me, 3) Thank you, and 4) I love you, which are meant to help you come to terms with your life, past and present. Follow on to find out how you can bring about these Top 5 Benefits of Practising Ho’oponopono!

1. Facilitates Forgiveness

As you say the first phrase of the ho’oponopono mantra, “Please forgive me,” think about who or what in your life you wish to gain forgiveness from. Sometimes, it is not so much about forgiving others, but yourself. Have you been reliving your failures over and over in your mind? It’s part of the human condition to reject any level of imperfection, but now is a time to accept your flaws and the fact that your past does not define you—life is about learning and self-discovery.

2. Encourages Humility

When you say the second phrase of the mantra, “I am sorry”, take a moment to think about something that you have done that could have been handled better. This isn’t a time to wallow in guilt or shame; it’s rather a time to understand what beliefs, intentions and thoughts brought you to this action. Think about what it is that makes you say sorry, and if you’ve properly apologised, whether to yourself or others. Doing this will help you fully accept your past and focus on the present.

3. Helps You Practise Gratitude

When you chant the words, “Thank you”. take a moment to be thoughtful about what it is in your life that you are thankful for. It’s important to practise gratitude daily in your life, even more so if you are going through a hard time. Saying thank you will provide you with the optimism and positivity that we all need in our lives.

4. Promotes Self Love

The last phrase of the mantra, “I love you”, should be a time to think about all of the things you love about yourself and others. What is it about yourself that you find beautiful, and how can you incorporate self-love in your daily routine? In addition, how can you provide love for those you care about? Contemplating these questions should provide you with the verification you need that you are loved.

5. Helps You Let Go of What is No Longer Serving You

Now is the time to ‘cleanse your errors’, and refresh your mindset. After chanting the four-point mantra several times, return to the present and take joy in the fact that you have accepted your flaws and imperfections and celebrated what makes you unique.

Try something new today with a practise you probably have never heard of until now. The Ancient Hawaiian practice of ho’oponopono will give you a sense of peace, clarity and love with its four-point mantra. Let go of what doesn’t serve you…and do it now, today!

What do you think of the idea and Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono? Let us know in the comments below, and join in the conversation this fall on FacebookTwitter, & Instagram!

Jennifer Dawson

Jennifer Dawson is an experienced freelance writer who specializes in food and nutrition. Working in fitness marketing previously gave her a good feel for the industry and since going freelance she has been able to explore her preferred topic areas such as diet types, nutrition and food. Outside of work, Jen enjoys traveling, swimming and spending time with her young family.

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