Search results for: Lactose
Top 5 Health Benefits of Dairy-Free Milk!

Over the past 10 years, dairy-free, plant-based milks have gained a lot of interest. They are great alternatives for managing cow milk allergy, lactose intolerance and prevalence of high cholesterol and a potential solution to environmental animal welfare concerns. Plant-based milks are a great ...

5 Top Vegan Sauces and Condiments!

A vegan dish is easier than people think, with an array of vegetables to blend into rich combinations – especially when you have a vast array of condiments at your disposal for any amount of subtle to heavy seasoning. In fact, so many common brands and cupboard stock are “accidentally vegan”, so ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Tiger Nuts!

Despite what the name may imply, tiger nuts are actually small tubers, not nuts.  They are an ancient 'superfood' and were first recognised as having incredible nutritional and health benefits some 4000 years ago.  Tiger nuts have been used by the ancient Egyptians who recognised their healing ...

Is Paleo The Way To Go?

‘If a caveman couldn’t eat it neither can you’ - this is the principle that forms the basis of this new health craze that seems to be taking the world by storm.  The Paleo Diet has fanatics raving about its health benefits - but is this hunter-gatherer concept actually healthy, or just the latest ...

5 Top Foods to Ensure Healthy Feet!

Generally when discussing the benefits of optimum nutrition; improvements to cardiovascular health, sports performance or inches off the waistline are often highlighted. However, did you ever think how adopting these changes can also improve the health of your feet? Well read on for our 5 Top Foods ...

7 top anti-stress foods

Life has a way of getting the best of us on some days. Whether you’re working too many hours, shuffling your kids all over the place for their activities, taking care of household duties, or dealing with personal or family matters, stress can drain you physically, mentally, emotionally, and ...

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