Remote Working: 5 Main Reasons Why it IS the Future!

Often in life, the things that we most want to do are put on hold because of work. In the U.S., we usually get 2 weeks of vacation in a year, so the opportunity to travel and explore is even more special. Fortunately, the growing trend of remote working provides the opportunity to work from anywhere! You don’t have to worry about digging into your vacation days because you have the freedom to travel wherever you want. To learn more about the benefits of remote working, read on for Remote Working: 5 Main Reasons Why it IS the Future!

1. Cheaper Cost of Living

Remote working is great when it comes to being practical around your spending. You don’t have to worry about paying for transportation everyday, and you’ll most likely be eating out a lot less. 

When you’re at home, you don’t have to worry about stopping to get a coffee or a bite to eat, because you’ll have everything you need in your own kitchen! Cooking your own meals is also a lot healthier in comparison to eating out, because you’ll simply select exactly the fresh foods you want from your local grocery store! 

2. You’ll Be More Productive

You’ll be more productive overall when you work remotely because you’ll have the convenience of working from home.  Less commute time will provide you the time to care for yourself: such as sleeping properly, exercising, and eating well. You won’t be crammed like a sardine on a crowded subway or tube train draining huge chunks of your emotional energy. Think of all that time you save!

Investing in self care will encourage you to become a more focused worker. When you care for yourself, you are more likely to work better, because you won’t be stressed or overworked, and will have a healthy balance with work and play. The more you can focus, the more creative you can be in your work and the more creative you can get, the more progress you’ll make and the happier you’ll be! See: The TED Talk: “The Surprising Power of Remote Work”, by Sam Kern on YouTube below!

3. More Time with Loved Ones

In this fast-paced world, it can be easy to convince yourself that your needs come second to your work. But this isn’t the case with remote working — being at home allows you the time to be with your loved ones, without compromising your career. 

The time you’ve spent in hours of traffic rushing to the office can be replaced with making a family breakfast, having a motivational chat with a friend on the phone, or simply reading a great book, doing yoga, or meditating!

4. Companies Save Money

Remote working is the smartest move for businesses; they don’t have to worry about the extra expenses of rent, and can instead focus on things that matter, such as networking with businesses and building an online platform. 

Remote working is the future for companies because it presents the unique opportunity to connect with people from all over the world whilst you’re in your own favourite space – your own home-castle! 

This approach can provide employees with a different perspective and outlook on their work, shaping their views for the better. Always keep your place of work clean, neat and inspiring. Use essential oils, Buddha heads, jazz or new age or classical music to bring a piece of zen into your space!

5. Spend Time Doing the Things You Love

When you work on your own schedule, you have more freedom to do the things you love. You can take your computer, tablet or smartphone anywhere, so take advantage of working where you want to work! Go to the beach, the mountains, a park or a café for a change of scenery. The world is indeed virtually your oyster (as well as being your virtual oyster)!

The use of remote working is undoubtedly growing as a result of the pandemic, however it’s much more than that. Remote working provides the opportunity to save money, travel, emotional energy and time from mundane things liberating your life force to do more of the things you love. What are you waiting for? If you are looking for a remote or part time job, visit Jooble!

What do you think about working remotely? Do you like the idea of freedom from stressful commutes and stiff suits? Let us know in the comments below, and join in the conversation on FacebookTwitter & Instagram!

Jennifer Dawson

Jennifer Dawson is an experienced freelance writer who specializes in food and nutrition. Working in fitness marketing previously gave her a good feel for the industry and since going freelance she has been able to explore her preferred topic areas such as diet types, nutrition and food. Outside of work, Jen enjoys traveling, swimming and spending time with her young family.

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