Search results for: top 5
Foodie Podcasts: 5 Worth Listening To!

With many restrictive lockdown measures still in place, the majority of us have taken to getting creative in the kitchen and the fascination and enjoyment towards food has increased fivefold. Banana bread, pancake cereal, Katsu curry, we’ve all been there. But why not further fuel this fascination ...

Stretch: 5 Easy Ones You Can Do at Home & Work

To be able to stretch is imperative to help you mitigate the chances of injury, or pain. Flexibility is a key benefit of stretching, but there are numerous other reasons to stretch, especially just before a workout. Even if you're just going for a quick walk during your lunch break at work, (which ...

5 Steps to Fixing Poor Gut Health

The health of your gut can have a huge knock-on effect on the rest of your health and wellbeing. When your gut is unhealthy, it’s not uncommon to suffer from poor skin, reduced immune system response, poor mental health, and even an increased risk of cancer. Humans have between 300-500 different ...

Plant-Based Milk: 5 Delicious Alternatives to Dairy

The popularity and use of dairy alternatives continues to rise leading to an ever-expanding range of plant-based alternatives from oat and soya to almond and coconut. From supermarkets to coffee shops, it’s never been easier to make the plant-based switch but not all dairy alternatives are equal. ...

Top 4 Health Benefits of Oranges

Summer's here again, time to fill that glass jug with iced, zesty orange juice! Sweet oranges are renowned for their authentic sweetness and although there is much debate about their hybrid origins, oranges are generally considered to be a hybrid of mandarin and pomelo. Although, oranges are ...

Vitamin D: 5 Great Vegetarian Sources

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps your body absorb calcium and maintain adequate concentrations of magnesium and phosphate; three important nutrients for teeth, muscles and bones. It also helps control the exchange of calcium between the bones and the blood. Low levels of the vitamin ...

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