Search results for: berries
Weeds: 5 Unknown Superfood Varieties You Must Try!

Nowadays you will see superfood trends everywhere from the acai berry to the goji berry and beyond - but the reality is that these berries, roots, and herbs have been around since the dawn of time and so aren’t as original as you may think. In this list I want to share with you the wonder of weeds ...

Top 5 Pre-Workout Oat Recipes

The humble oat is the faithful servant of anyone pursuing any fitness goal. Oats’ nutritional composition makes them incredibly versatile. They’re naturally low in sugar; boast a decent 13g of protein per 100g and, their slow release of energy make them a satiating basis for any pre-workout meal. ...

Menses: Top 5 Foods to Indulge & Reduce Discomfort

It’s known knowledge that during our ‘lady days’ our bodies go through a lot of hormonal shifts. These periodical PMS changes are accompanied by some mood swings, aches and cramps as well. Unfortunately, we have no control over these changes, what we can do is prepare ourselves (mind and body) for ...

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