It’s no secret that our New Year’s resolutions start to shy out on us around February, since January was trial month right? Well, now we're going to talk about Top 5 Training Motivation Tips. So, time to put those withering winter blues behind us, put down the cream pie and climb out from under ...
READ MORE +Just think about it for a moment: all the muscles in your body have a job to do, there are no useless muscles! In order for your muscles to do their job they must travel a specific motion which cannot be changed; for example, the bicep which is located at the humerus bone can only be ...
READ MORE +Strength, flexibility, endurance, muscle building, and cardiovascular health, are 5 hallmarks of successful Olympic athletes and professional sportsmen alike. The question is which of these attributes are the most important?
READ MORE +Jillian Michaels: 6 Week Six-Pack Abs Workout- Level 1 is a fierce fat-blasting abdominal workout employing sure-fire combinations of core-focused cardio circuits and ab-toning exercises!
READ MORE +Frank Medrano is a CALISTHENICS BODYWEIGHT expert who MOTIVATES and trains to build and gain muscle, lose fat and challenge your body to obtain strength through simple and more advanced body weight exercises.
READ MORE +This two-part article will cover 10 things you can do to achieve permanent super fitness which includes losing weight, looking good and feeling great!
READ MORE +This indoor cycle training video is a 35 minute HIIT (high intensity interval training) which is designed to help you improve your fitness.