Search results for: fibre
Baru Seeds: Top 5 Health Benefits

Baru (or Dipteryx alata) is a species of the Fabaceae legume family. The tree is referred to as the “Baruzeiro” (in Portuguese) and its produce “castanha de baru” (literally baru nut) or “amêndoa de baru” (baru almond). We find the Baru tree in the Cerrado savanna, an area in midwest Brazil (the ...

Get to Know Your Fruit Bowl!

Every household should have a fruit bowl. Whether it stands with pride, overflowing with an abundance of rainbow colours and shapes with a bit of panache, or it sits on the side filled with just the basics only, it’s a necessity. Fruit provides not only a healthy alternative to a sweet afternoon ...

10-Year Veggie: My story so far…

Eating a vegetarian diet isn’t nearly as uncommon as it once was with many people making the switch due to its association with improved health outcomes including lower levels of obesity, a reduced risk of heart disease and lower blood pressure. Research has shown that vegetarians tend to consume a ...

Veganuary: 5 Things I Learned

Interest in going vegan, vegetarian, or even “flexitarian” - also known as “casual vegetarianism” or just cutting down on meals that involve meat - continues to skyrocket internationally, driven by concerns and health warnings about the effects of animal products such as red meat as well as ...

Top 5 Foods To Eat As You Age!

As we age, our basal metabolic rate (BMR) decreases meaning that we should generally need fewer calories as we get older according to the British Diabetic Association. The amount of fat, carbohydrates and fibre we consume should follow the following recommendations; Fat: 50g, saturated fat: 20g, ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Haritaki!

Haritaki or Terminalia chebula is a tree that grows in the forests of India, south east Asia, Nepal, and south west China. Its dried, bitter super fruits have long been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine in India as a powerful natural cure for a wide range of diseases. Ayurvedic medicine refers ...

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