John Assaraf: Top 5 Lessons We Can Learn from Him

John Assaraf is a performance and success coach and a behavioral neuroscience researcher. As well as being an international, best selling motivational author, he has also been featured in 11 movies.

While working in neuroscience, he has become committed to helping people build their mindsets. His research has helped him develop books; “Innercise”, “Having It All”, and “The Answer”. Continue reading to learn more about how his motivational teachings can help you in John Assaraf: Top 5 Lessons We Can Learn from Him!

1. Review your Plan

John Assaraf suggests getting a plan in place for your current situation. Those plans may have a system that needs to be reviewed and adjusted.

Your chosen plans could be either a health goal, a relationship goal, a career goal or even a financial goal, but “how you are attempting to do it” is a vital plan process. John Assaraf mentions that reviewing your plans allows you to see if those goals are on track. The more frequently you check on the progress of those goals, the more it helps you see if those dreams are attainable.

John often asks himself if he has the proper habits to achieve his goals. John has developed a process that involves reviewing the plans he sets. He reviews whether his thoughts align with his visions and goals. He also checks if his views align with those goals and if his behaviors match their purpose.

He says reviewing goals is a self-disciplined action that can lead you to conquer your goals.

2. Learn to Adapt

John admits that learning to adapt to situations is one of our most essential skills. Based on Darwin’s theories, John says that the animals which had learned to adapt to conditions were the ones that survived and multiplied. He asks, “What are you doing to adapt emotionally, physically, spiritually, financially or mentally?”

As people manage their mindsets and shift from reactive to responsive, it helps them build responsibility. But when things happen in our environment, we need to think about ways in which we can become constructively responsive. Yet learning to adapt is a type of ‘skill’ that needs to be monitored. The ways we become responsive can either ‘help or hinder’ us.

3. Prioritize Your Values

Many of us have multiple commitments in our lives each day. We can take one thing we need to get done in our emotional or spiritual health or apply it to other health values and focus on that daily. If we were to focus on one thing and complete it, it would show us we are making progress. Concentrating on one thing removes ‘neural overwhelm’, which causes anxiety in each area of our life.

John explains that when we write our plans down, we can look at them objectively, which helps remove some anxiety. As we list our behaviors from highest to lowest priorities, we can see what has less value to us. Prioritizing allows us to structure our lives around more valuable plans.

4. Create a Well-Being Plan

While many of us are busily focusing on goals, setting up a well-being plan is essential too. These well-being plans should include proper eating, sleeping, incorporating vitamins into diets if needed, and an exercise routine. Some people may want more well-being goals in their plans without letting them become too challenging to achieve.

Someone told John Assaraf, “If you don’t make time for your health, your illness will make time for you….”

Wellness plans can become ‘lost’ in a world competing for our attention if we let them. It is easy to get stressed in a busy world without having a wellness plan. John says ‘easy things’ can appear harder than they should be when we are overwhelmed with stress.

Sometimes it’s important to “get off” social media or stop watching television and focus more on yourself. Monitoring technology usage in your lifestyle may also become part of your well-being plan.

5. Adjust Your Narratives

As we all have our own ‘inner stories’ known as narratives, many of us are repeating patterns in our lives that can affect us negatively.

If we try to rewrite the stories about ourselves in the present tense on a page, we focus on that newer information. When we tell ourselves information (if it is repeated enough), our brains tell us that it needs to make that story real. The brain begins to put automatic processes in through neural pathways.

Thinking of ‘winning’ starts to condition the mind to perform these activities. Therefore, meditation, mindfulness, visualization and affirmations help the mind grow a ‘better environment’ to win.

Once the neurons are activated in the brain, it forms automatic thinking, and our beliefs and behaviors start to change. We can adjust our ‘inner stories’ by learning to change how we see things. It may not seem easy, but we can learn to adapt to these stories as we dedicate time to thinking about them.

If we prioritize our values, we can see how some of these values are affecting our lives. We can rewrite our script stories around our values and create a well-being plan for those values. Regularly reviewing our plans is part of the adaptation process for our new, consciously chosen lifestyle. ‘Inner stories’ are closely linked to various thought processes, including learning to remain consistent mentally when adapting to new environments or situations.

Do you dedicate time to creating ‘inner stories’ or narratives for yourself? What motivational techniques do you use in your daily life? Which point from the above list of 5 do you agree with most? Let us know in the comments below and join in the conversation on FacebookTwitter & Instagram

Jeannie White

Jeannie White lives in Adelaide, Australia. Her lifelong passion is running and she enjoys it as an endurance sport. Her running interests began in her teenage years, and she entered community events. Jeannie is interested in learning about health and realizes the particular importance of nutrition as she experienced health implications as a child. As her parents live on farms, she understands the benefits of sound nutrition!

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