Don’t Like Water? Drink these 8 Alternatives to Stay Hydrated!

There is no overstating how important hydration is. For context, most living organisms can last longer without food than without water. The average human can only survive 3 days without water but may be able to go up to 21 days without food. Research has shown that the human body contains over 70% water, so it is important to ensure that you remain hydrated throughout the day because staying hydrated helps to regulate body temperature, allows your brain to function optimally, as well as permit proper blood circulation.

When you are working out, having good hydration habits can enhance performance and help you achieve better results. To do this, it is recommended to take sodium and water combinations regularly for an optimal liquid balance.

However, due to certain reasons, you might not want to drink water. Maybe you’re looking for something with a little more flavour, but still want to stay hydrated. Follow on for Don’t Like Water? Drink these 8 Alternatives to Stay Hydrated!

1. Coconut Water

This is the clear, sweet-tasting liquid that is found inside coconuts. Coconut water can be very hydrating, even apart from the fact that it has lots of known health benefits. It has a rich combination of electrolytes, such as calcium and phosphorus, combined with a good amount of healthy calories and flavor. It also has no additives and preservatives, since it is all-natural, it provides also a good range of several nutrients.

These nutrients include carbs, fibres, proteins, vitamins, magnesium, and so on. Another good thing is that it can be taken warm or cold. So, if for any reason you don’t want to drink water, this is a very good alternative.

2. Fruits & Vegetables

Except for vegetables like corn, peas, and potatoes, a lot of other fruits and vegetables have a large percentage of water. Of these vegetables, cucumbers have the highest concentration, with over 90 percent. Other top alternatives include broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, and tomatoes.

Fruits are also a viable alternative if you don’t like vegetables. Some great examples are oranges, (or any type of citrus fruit) watermelon, strawberries, kiwis, and pineapples.

If you are mindful of calorie content, then you should prioritize vegetables. This is because most fruits have a higher-calorie concentration. Finally, if possible you should try fruit and vegetable salad mixes, as they are an all-in-one choice and give you the best of both worlds.

3. Hydration Supplements

Certain workout supplements are a great substitute for water. Hydration supplements have some advantages. Because they are made with the single goal of hydration in mind, they often deliver much more than a bottle of water will. Typically, a hydration supplement will contain electrolytes and calories to quickly help you feel energized.

Some hydration supplements come as liquids and can be taken straight from the bottle. Others, like the Tailwind Nutrition Endurance Fuel come powdered, and should be mixed with water before you take them.

4. Water Mixed with Fruits

Fruits have been used to flavor water for the longest time. Lemon water is a popular choice for people who are looking for some flavor in their drink. Juices of other fruits like strawberries, and citrus fruits like oranges and pineapples can also be squeezed into a glass of water to drink.

In addition to hydrating you, these fruits also come packed with a lot of nutritional benefits i.e. vitamins and minerals – so that’s a double win.

5. Water Filtered with a Purifier

Some people may be avoiding bottled water because of concerns over whether it was filtered and packaged safely. A good way to ensure the water is safe is to filter it using a purifier for better taste and cleanliness.

Another way you can purify water is by adding cinnamon with water and heating it for a while. You can use a pot or pan to do so. After that, scoop some into a glass and drink. This technique adds better taste and flavor to the water.

6. Cranberry & Blueberry Juice

Water can also be substituted with cranberry juice. Cranberry juice is usually taken as a juice mix during meals with water, but it also has enough potent qualities to stand on its own. It is a very rich source of vitamins, copper, calcium, manganese, and other nutrients and antioxidants.

The juice itself has numerous health benefits such as protecting against UTI infections, intestinal inflammation, and central nervous system well-being.

For blueberries, their nutritional value lies in their high concentration of antioxidants, vitamins such as K1 and C, fiber, and manganese. They can keep you hydrated, allow circulation of blood to vital organs like the heart to improve its health, and can also help to regulate blood sugar levels.

7. Milk and Dairy Products

Milk is rich in calcium and iron. It is also a good source of vitamins and protein, milk can be taken in place of water for meals and exercise. Milk is very good for bone formation in children and its iron component allows for denser bone structure and skeletal composition in adults. Soy, almond, and coconut milk are also prime examples of alternatives to cow’s milk for lactose-intolerant people.

8. Green Tea

Green tea is known for its distinctively oriental origins, qualities and famed medicinal purposes. It is made from natural herbs and as such, has emerged as nature’s answer for many hydration problems. The main compounds in green tea are called phytochemicals, which contain healing properties. Green tea, when taken consistently is touted to aid long life, reduce blood pressure as well as fat composition. If you need it as a bit of a sweetened affair, you can simply add honey or brown sugar to it.

Ultimately, water remains the most important drinks for our survival, and you should drink 2 litres per day at least. However, in case you’re not feeling like drinking it, any of the drinks on this list will certainly help keep you hydrated, healthy, vital and fresh. Which substitutes for water per se do you prefer? Tell us your favourites in the comments below or via FacebookTwitter Instagram

Jennifer Dawson

Jennifer Dawson is an experienced freelance writer who specializes in food and nutrition. Working in fitness marketing previously gave her a good feel for the industry and since going freelance she has been able to explore her preferred topic areas such as diet types, nutrition and food. Outside of work, Jen enjoys traveling, swimming and spending time with her young family.

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