Acne-Prone Skin: 5 Tips to Help You Choose the Right Face Moisturizer

People who are prone to acne mostly have oily skin. As a result, their face often feels greasy, especially during warmer days of the year. This is why those who have acne-prone skin think that a moisturizer is the last thing their face needs. On the contrary, a good face moisturizer for acne-prone skin may just be what you need for healthier skin. This is particularly true if you’re using common acne treatments. These treatments usually act to dry acne breakouts and prevent them from happening. However, they can’t discriminate. Want to know how to navigate this problem? Then read on for Acne-Prone Skin: 5 Tips to Help You Choose the Right Face Moisturizer!

In referring to the above, common acne and beauty treatments can unfortunately also dry your skin. When your skin gets dry, your body’s natural response is to create more oil to compensate for the dryness. As a result, the extra oil may clog your pores, leading to more acne breakouts. It’s a vicious cycle that you don’t want to happen.

To be clear, moisturizers do not make your skin oily. Rather, they act to keep your skin hydrated. When your skin is hydrated, your body will generally calm down and stop producing too much oil. Hydrated skin is also less prone to irritation. Now, those who are more prone to acne than others need to choose which moisturizer to use more carefully. Here are some tips to get a moisturizer that matches your skin.

1. Ask your dermatologist for advice

More than anyone, your dermatologist knows what your skin needs. Not all products made for acne-prone skin are the same, and your skin is also unique. You may need to look out for specific ingredients that are not good for your skin specifically.

Your dermatologist may also recommend particular products to try. Furthermore, if you have some products in mind, ask your doctor if you can use them. Once you’ve got your dermatologist’s advice, you can now shop for the right moisturizer.

2. Read the labels

Now that you know what kind of moisturizer and ingredients are recommended for you, you’ll know what to look for and watch out for.

Read the labels to know if a product is suitable for you. Initially, look for moisturizers that are labeled non-comedogenic, non-acnegenic, and oil-free. Water-based moisturizers are also something worth looking at. Then, read through the ingredients list to see if all of them are suitable for your skin.

3. Opt for fragrance-free and hypoallergenic formulation

Fragrances are usually derived from non-natural ingredients. If you have extra-sensitive skin, fragrances might irritate your skin and aggravate inflammation. Moreover, if you have skin allergies, it’s safe to choose a product with a hypoallergenic formulation to avoid getting an allergic reaction.

4. Consider SPF

It may be best to choose a moisturizer that already contains SPF. This saves you from the trouble of buying and using a separate sunscreen. It will also cut down your skincare routine time. This is a good hack if you’re one who tends to always be in a rush and may forget some skincare activities.

5. Don’t merely focus on the price tag

An expensive product doesn’t always mean that it will work for you. However, you shouldn’t also be discouraged by the price tag and deprive yourself of high-quality products. In other words, you should focus on the result.

Proper skincare isn’t a luxury but a necessity if you have acne-prone skin. If you think a moisturizer is just another expense, think it through. If you are prone to facial acne breakouts, buying and using the right skincare products is a wise move to ensure that your skin’s condition at least doesn’t worsen. What skincare issues are you dealing with? Which moisturisers have you found help improve upon facial acne in particular? Let us in the comments below, and join in the conversation on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.

Jennifer Dawson

Jennifer Dawson is an experienced freelance writer who specializes in food and nutrition. Working in fitness marketing previously gave her a good feel for the industry and since going freelance she has been able to explore her preferred topic areas such as diet types, nutrition and food. Outside of work, Jen enjoys traveling, swimming and spending time with her young family.

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