Search results for: coconut
Top 5 Health Benefits of Coconut!

Coconuts originally come from the Indonesian region and are widespread across south-east Asia, but it now grows in the middle-east, as well as south and central America. Coconuts have plenty of goodness but at different stages of maturation. After 7 months, they are green and contain mostly coconut ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Coconut Oil Pulling!

Now before you call me crazy for suggesting you swish oil around your mouth for 20 minutes a day, just hear me out on about how it could improve your everyday health and wellbeing. Read on for a little more info on what it actually involves followed by our Top 5 Health Benefits of Coconut Oil ...

Top 5 Benefits of Cooking With Coconut!

Back in ‘the dairy days’, the coconut would only bring one image to mind, one so full of rejection, it would make Mr ‘It’s a no from me’ Simon Cowell, quake in his boots. Yes, I’m talking about the collection of unwanted Bounty bars at the bottom of the Celebration box!  So with the growing range ...

Top 5 Coconut Oils!

The health world has officially gone coco-loco for coconut oil and it’s easy to see why. With incredible health benefits such as antibacterial properties, being good for your immune system, it’s a healthy source of saturated fats and can be used in a crazy number of ways – from baking to brushing ...

5 Top Uses for Coconut Oil!

Wondering what all the fuss over coconut oil is about? Health gurus have advocated it as a multi-use product with excellent health benefits and it appears that they’re right. Here at Keep Fit Kingdom, we’ve narrowed down our 5 Top Uses for Coconut Oil so you'll find out why it's a fantastic ...

3 Delicious Homemade Protein Bar Recipes

Are you tired of the same old store-bought protein bars that eat into your grocery budget? Great news—protein bars are extremely easy to make at home. Though hundreds of delicious homemade protein bar recipes exist, here are three of our favorites! 1. Peanut Butter and Oat Protein Bars ...

Keep Fit Kingdom