range of motion
Top 5 Chin-Up Hacks!

The chin-up is an extremely challenging exercise which can bring impressive improvements quickly. It purposefully requires you to use a number of muscle groups, resulting in a powerful contraction of explosive energy to lift you above the bar. From strengthening your biceps to aiding flexibility ...

Top 5 Joint Strengthening Exercises!

Keeping your joints strong and healthy is a vital part of staying active and injury free! There are many factors that will affect your joint health such as weight, diet, stress and exercise levels. It is important to protect your joints in order to improve their durability throughout the length of ...

Top 5 Benefits of Pilates!

Pilates is a form of exercise that was originally developed in the early 1900's by Joseph Hubertus Pilates (born: 9th December, 1883 in Mönchengladbach, Germany), with the aim of helping the body to gain strength and flexibility. Joseph was a self-defence instructor during World War I, and he ...

Top 5 Ways to Prevent Sports Injuries!

We all want to avoid taking time away from the sports and activities we love. There’s nothing worse than sitting on the sidelines and waiting to get back on the court, track or in the gym! While it is impossible to prevent all injuries, these Top 5 Ways to Prevent Sports Injuries will show you ...

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