prostate cancer
Top 5 Health Benefits of Pomegranate!

I’m a big advocate of the Mediterranean diet simply because it’s both nutritious and delicious. Whilst olive oil and tomatoes may spring to mind, pomegranates are also integral to Mediterranean cooking, yet they receive little attention here in the UK. A type of berry, they consist of an inedible ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Kola Nuts!

The kola nut is a seed from a tree of the Sterculiaceae family, with the most prominent species being Cola Vera, Cola acuminata and Cola nitida. This tree is believed to be the first tree on Earth by certain Nigerian tribes. If you feel as though you've never heard of this valuable seed, you may be ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Ginseng!

A common ingredient in many energy drinks both natural and perhaps those less so, this herbal plant has been used to alleviate many ailments and provide energy and focus. There are 11 different varieties in the 'Panax genus' with American and Asian being the most popular. Though it should be noted ...

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