Top 5 Ways to Increase Your Lung Capacity!

Lung capacity is the maximum amount of oxygen your body is able to use and research indicates that this is the best predictor of overall health and longevity. Improving your lung capacity can greatly reduce the risk of serious health problems such as cancer, heart attacks and strokes and also ...

Top 5 Benefits of Bikram Yoga!

Most of you will have done yoga but only a few of you will have turned the intensity up a notch and given Bikram yoga a go. Bikram refers to the founder of the practice 'Bikram Choudhury' a yoga guru from India and involves 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises in a room heated to 42 degrees with ...

Interview with Celest Pereira

People-loving yoga teacher Celest Pereira has a background in dancing, and a degree in physiotherapy. She travelled to India to study Hatha Yoga and Vipassana meditation and is the author of "The Yoga Mentor" a book written to help freshly qualified yoga teachers build their careers. In this ...

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