Post-Workout Snacks: 4 of The Best Food Options!

It's always a good feeling to have a delicious snack after working out, and certain food options will also supply you with added health benefits after exercising. Workouts are exhausting but great for the body and mind. When we complete an excellent workout, we use a lot of our bodies' nutrients ...

PCOS: 4 Components of Diet You Should Change

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a chronic hormonal disease that involves reproductive hormone imbalances in women, causing excess ovarian cysts and troublesome symptoms like heavy/irregular periods, increased body hair, and painful acne. While some medications can help lessen these symptoms, ...

Iron: 5 Very High-Content Food Sources!

Iron is an extremely important mineral for several metabolic processes in humans. The most commonly known function is oxygen transportation as red blood cells (RBC) need iron to make haemoglobin which is responsible for carrying oxygen and transporting it around the body. The lack of a ...

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