Top 5 Health Benefits of Kola Nuts!

The kola nut is a seed from a tree of the Sterculiaceae family, with the most prominent species being Cola Vera, Cola acuminata and Cola nitida. This tree is believed to be the first tree on Earth by certain Nigerian tribes. If you feel as though you've never heard of this valuable seed, you may be ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Celery Seeds!

The modern day celery that we all know, originally formed from a wild celery that was native to the Mediterranean, where the seeds were used for their medicinal properties.  The earliest mention of celery leaves dates back to the ninth century where it made an appearance in the Odyssey, by the ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Ginger!

Ginger, a flowering plant that originated in China, is part of the zingiberaceae botanical family and is closely related to cardamom and turmeric. The ginger root (or rhizome) has a long history of use in Indian, Asian and Arabic herbal traditions, as well as being a popular culinary spice. Read on ...

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