Iron: 5 Very High-Content Food Sources!

Iron is an extremely important mineral for several metabolic processes in humans. The most commonly known function is oxygen transportation as red blood cells (RBC) need iron to make haemoglobin which is responsible for carrying oxygen and transporting it around the body. The lack of a ...

Potatoes: Top 5 Health Benefits!

You will find them on your dinner table most nights, they accompany most meals, and they taste absolutely delicious. However, these days with a spike in the health and fitness industry, potatoes are becoming somewhat of a villain on our dinner plates. Over the years we have began to look at these ...

Spinach: Top 5 Health Benefits

Spinach is a delicious delicate leafy green which originates from central and western Asia. It is an extremely nutrient-rich food which also has many associated health benefits and it also has a great reputation for giving us strength (we all remember Popeye!). There are also different ways we ...

Weeds: 5 Unknown Superfood Varieties You Must Try!

Nowadays you will see superfood trends everywhere from the acai berry to the goji berry and beyond - but the reality is that these berries, roots, and herbs have been around since the dawn of time and so aren’t as original as you may think. In this list I want to share with you the wonder of weeds ...

Camel Milk: 4 Reasons to Give it a Try!

The interest in camel milk is growing due to its health properties, but some people are still understandably averse to the idea of drinking something they deem so unusual. Well I have news for you it’s not new and it’s not unusual, it’s actually been used in Middle Eastern, Asian and North African ...

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