Top 5 Health Benefits of Psyllium Husk!

Psyllium or 'Ispaghula' is, let’s say, your “bowel” friend. It's a fiber made from the husks of the plant group Plantago. Being a dietary fiber, Psyllium is mainly known as a laxative. The plant from which the seeds are obtained resist cool, dry weathers well and it's primarily cultivated in ...

Top 5 Super Cheap High-Fibre Vegetables!

Want a healthy gut? Increase your fibre! Fibre is something the body needs but never actually digests – in fact, it remains in pretty much the same state as on your plate! Dietary fibre has many health benefits, reducing your risk of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers, helping with weight ...

10 Signs That You Are Suffering with Candida

Do you constantly feel bloated after meals no matter what you eat? Always feeling lethargic, exhausted and frequently unwell? If you’ve answered yes any of the above, it is quite possible that you are suffering with Candidiasis, an overgrowth of Candida yeast in your gut. But fear not, recognising ...

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