digestive system
Top 6 Healthy Teas You Must Try!

From black and green to chamomile and ginger, herbal teas are a delicious and calming beverage that we can all enjoy, whilst nourishing our bodies. Read on to learn about some of the best teas for your well-being in Top 6 Healthy Teas You Must Try! 1. Green ...

Top 5 Benefits of Kundalini Yoga!

Something a bit different this week, as we at Keep Fit Kingdom are trying out Kundalini yoga. What is this, you ask, and how is it different to ordinary kinds of yoga exercises? Well, Kundalini refers more to inbound meditation and the awakening of your mind rather than merely physical stretches. ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Butternut Squash!

October, my favourite month. It’s a chance to indulge your inner child by crunching through fallen leaves on your walk to work and carving pumpkins for Halloween (interesting we have a particularly orangey sky in the UK today) somewhat of a tradition in my household. Now is also the time when I ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Fava Beans!

Also known as 'broad beans' or 'horse beans', fava beans, like most all other legumes, provide you with a number of health advantages. They are loaded with vitamins: K, C, and nutrients zinc, copper, iron, magnesium and more. Read on for these Top 5 Health Benefits of Fava Beans! 1. Help keep ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Chickpeas!

Chickpeas, aka garbanzo beans, belong to the legume family and are among the most easily digested thanks to their thin shell. You probably know that your beloved hummus (or houmous) is made from chickpeas, but did you know that they were used as an alternative to coffee in the 18th century? They've ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Basil Seeds!

Basil seeds, also known as 'sabja seeds' or 'sweet basil seeds', come from the well-known basil plant. Originating in India, the many health benefits and uses of these small black seeds has spread across to other countries in Asia. High in vitamins and minerals, they have been used for centuries to ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Bitter Melon!

Bitter melon, bitter gourd, karela, caraille, Momordica charantia; whatever you call this prickly-looking fruit, it’s useful to know about what it can do for you. A native to tropical and subtropical climates, it has been utilised for years as a remedy for a variety of ailments. You can use all ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Satsumas!

They’re sweet, juicy, a fantastic pick-me-up and refreshing source of multiple nutrients as well as one of the popular fruits on supermarket shelves. You might have asked yourself are cuties satsumas? Well, the mandarins you see in grocery shops called 'cuties' and 'sweeties' are clementines, ...

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