Alzheimer’s disease
Top 5 Cognitive Health Benefits of Coffee

With over 400 billion cups consumed every year, coffee is certainly one of the world’s most popular drinks. So many of us can’t - or won’t - get through the day without it (this writer included). But a cup of coffee may provide more than just an energy boost. Coffee contains hundreds of ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Drinking White Tea!

White tea - what is it? It might sound like a milky cup of English Breakfast, but White Tea is actually a particular strain of green tea made from the Camellia sinensis plant, that gets its name from the ripeness of the leaves; picked just before they fully open, they are covered in tiny white ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Cinnamon!

Cinnamon is a popular spice that is collected from the inner bark of trees. It can be used in both sweet and savoury cooking, as well as in drinks, and can be bought in the form of sticks, powder, and dried flowers (cassia buds). Aside from tasting delicious, this spice has many health benefits; ...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Ginger!

Ginger, a flowering plant that originated in China, is part of the zingiberaceae botanical family and is closely related to cardamom and turmeric. The ginger root (or rhizome) has a long history of use in Indian, Asian and Arabic herbal traditions, as well as being a popular culinary spice. Read on ...

Top 5 Hidden Health Benefits of Coffee!

Is drinking coffee good or bad for you? This question has been circling around the world for ages. In the UK we drink around 70 million cups of coffee every day and it is the second most traded commodity in the world, after oil. In recent decades, scientists have studied the positive effects of ...

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