7 Top Forearm Building Benefits and Tips!

Forearm muscles are often a neglected body part of many a gym-goer’s routine. But wait! Think of Bruce Lee’s incredible forearms, think baseball bats or steel girder defenders when in a fight. Being forearmed forewarns any potential foe in advance, how handy is that eh? Now’s a good idea to consider our 7 Top Forearm Building Benefits and Tips!

The forearms are pretty amazing and when trained, capable of absorbing a huge amount of training and punishment. They are made up of 20 muscles and not training them could lead to some major weaknesses in your overall strength and muscular development. Here are 7 compelling reasons why you should definitely be training them.

1.  Arm development is incomplete without a set of powerful and muscular forearms!
It’s hard to hide weak forearms! Wearing a t-shirt or vest is standard gear for training in the gym so there is no real way to cover up weak forearms! Even bodybuilders aiming for a balanced physique need to incorporate forearm training into their programmes to some extent.

2. Forearm training is not boring as many people might perceive it to be
Many types of training tools can be used to stimulate growth in this group of muscles which is excellent for those who need plenty of variation in their routines. Kettlebell hammer curls, thick bar reverse curls and sledgehammer levering are all exercises you will rarely ever see performed in a gym! New goals and motivation can be added to your programme by including forearm exercise variations to your routine.

3. Weightlifters who love high reps will enjoy forearm training
The lower arms are composed of predominantly slow twitch fibers which means they respond well to lighter weight and high rep sets. Try doing sets of 50 reps for some serious growth and endurance stimulation!

4. Forearms can handle heavy loads
For instance, legendary bodybuilder Larry Scott (the first Mr. Olympia winner) had fantastic forearms and performed heavy partial reps with 250lbs on the wrist curl! Lifters who have a passion for heavy training can do heavy forearm sessions. Don’t go heavy too often at first though as you need to protect your tendons!

5. Competitors in sports which rely heavily on the pulling muscles will add a considerable amount of functional strength with dedicated forearm training
Think Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) fighters, strongman competitors and arm wrestlers for example. Big, strong forearms can also aid throwing power in sports such as the javelin and the discus.

6. Serious hand strength can be built with demanding forearm workouts
Reverse curls, Fat Gripz hammer curls and wrist rollers place considerable demand on the hands too! You may experience fatigue, and if this occurs then look at getting some wrist support for lifting weights to get that forearm support you need to get more in. 

7. Forearm training doesn’t require massive amounts of energy or time
Two or three lower arm exercises can be completed in just a few minutes, which is ideal for gym-goers with time constraints.

Don’t let forearm training take a backseat in your training. The more practical performance benefits will surprise you, whether it’s playing with your kids, easily carrying heavier bags of shopping on your fingertips, lifting or shifting boxes, clearing the garden or hauling other heavy objects. Work hard at building big, muscular forearms to also dramatically improve your physique too! 

Want a pair of wide, forearms like baseball bats and a grip and a handshake that COMMANDS RESPECT; did you know that it gives security to the women in your life as well as earns trust from those you do business with? Then, stop reading and check in with your local fitness trainers and gyms! Let us know how you get on below and follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. (Want stronger? Check out more iron-fortified articles by KFK’s resident iron man, Alan Riseborough!)

Alan Riseborough

Alan is a strength and physique enthusiast and has 28 years' of training experience behind him. He has competed in powerlifting, arm wrestling, bodybuilding and grip strength competitions. He also includes rigorous bodyweight, sprinting and kettlebell training regularly in his routines. He believes in the transformative power of the squat which is (believe it or not) his favourite exercise!

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